Sunday, June 28, 2009

Evangelion 2.0 and the end of a terrible week at work

Well Saturday has come and gone and thankfully so has my week of observations at work, and after the terrible morning I had, I'm glad I won't have to worry about them again for a long time. I had thought that I had made some steps in the right direction, but that feeling came to a halt immediately after my first two classes when instead of having lunch I received a nice long chat with a co worker about my classes. It wasn't an experience I want to relive nor do I want to explain here. It was so bad, every other worker at my job came to me afterwords seriously concerned about my feeling. I got through the day, but I was pretty sad as I left work.

Thankfully tonight I had a great dinner with my girlfriend, who really cheered me up so much, and I got to see the brand new Evangelion movie! It opened today in Japan and even here in Kofu there were long lines to see the film. Of course only one theater is showing it in Kofu, but thats better than when the first new film came out in 2007, when it premiered in Kofu over a month after its showings in Tokyo. The film was pretty good, but it made major changes to the story from the original. In many ways, its like the new Star Trek film. The characters are similar, some of the look and scenes are similar, but the story has major differences from the original. There was one scene in particular that will shock some fans of the show in its change, and the ending of the film takes a particular important and memorable scene from the series and makes it even more important, and speeds up the story itself. There's even a brand new character in the film that confused me more than anything.

In the end, just like the first of the new Evangelion films, the film was a blast. Great animation, great music, a interesting new look at the Evangelion universe, and more. I can't wait for the Bluray disk of the film to come out, and hopefully movie three won't take two years to come out like movie one did.

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