Saturday, June 27, 2009

Doctors visit, aka how I finally had my knee looked at

Well after worrying for a few weeks I finally went to the doctor today. It was quite a strange morning as I woke up to the news of the death of Michael Jackson. Quite a shock to wake up to that news. After that me and my girlfriend headed to one of the local clinics, one that focused on injuries. I had a x-ray and an examination and was told that my injury was one that many people get when they are young and do lots of sports. This is how I originally hurt my knee when I was young. I was told that unfortunately that its a permanent injury and that at this point all I can do is try to treat the injury and the pain as best as I can. However if the swelling in the knee gets bigger again, which it sometimes does, I'll have to have surgery on it in the future.

The doctor visit finished with a strange electronic message of my knee, that was quite weird. Afterwords I got some medicine and a knee supporter to wear when I walk and ride a bicycle. I wore it today and it was hard at first to walk, but it got better. Sadly my knee still is very sore at the moment, but I know what the problem is now and I know what I need to do to fix it.

In other things in life, I have now finished four days of parent observation classes. Day three was not the best day I've had, lots of mistakes and worries. Today was better however. I think the nerves of going to the doctor had a lot to do with yesterdays mistakes, as today was much better. Tomorrow is my last day of observations, and I can't wait for them to end. They are very difficult and stressful, but once they are over, I always feel so much better.

Tomorrow night after work I'm going to the movies to see the new Evangelion film. It will be nice to check out some anime. Its been too long since I've watched any new anime. I just hope work goes by fast tomorrow.

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