Saturday, November 28, 2009

Medical Problems Galore

The last month and a half has been a frustrating time for me health wise. Its times like this that I am very thankful for the insurance plan I have with the government. Many foreigners complain about it, but its really been a big help for me the past year, and especially this month. The day after my birthday I unfortunately had a small but nasty little bicycle accident. To make a long story short, I was trying to bike on the sidewalks here, but they tend to disappear out of no where and end in big cement blocks. Since it was at night and my light on my bike was not working well, I couldn't see this at all and I hit it. I ended up falling off the bike and landing on the cement block wall. My hand had a large deep cut in it and my leg had a gigantic bump on it and it was impossible to walk.

Thankfully I was able to get to the hospital thanks to the help of my girlfriend. But we had a hard time finding one that would accept me. Since it wasn't a major emergency I had to go to a smaller one. Thankfully once we got there we found out nothing was broken and they taped up my hand real well. I couldn't walk well for days and my hand has a nice scar now. Also I had to dig deep into my savings, something I just started doing, and buy a new bike. At the request of my friends and coworkers, I bought an expensive road bike. This as they suggested, would be better for me as it would be stronger. However its a bit inconvenient as it doesn't have a kickstand, lock, or a basket. I still have my old bike but its not the best shape so I rarely use it.

So after that I spent time healing and I thought things would get better, I ended up catching a very nasty cold. Unlike the one I got this summer, this one ended up including a very high fever that lasted a week. The worst part about it was that it was making my asthma very bad as well. At the same time the swine flu had hit my school and many of my students had caught the virus. Because of this I had to make sure about my condition. I went to the doctor and after taking a test I was told I didn't have the virus, and that it was just a nasty cold. I have to say if that was a cold, I'm afraid of what the swine flu would be like for me as that cold was terrible.

In between those two events, mostly I have been trying to relax and prepare for the upcoming end of the year break. I did celebrate Halloween this year and made a costume for the first time in a long time. I went as the character "Tomodachi" from the manga "20th Century Boys." I will post a picture of the costume soon. I also have been going out to eat a lot at some nice restaurants with my girlfriend Yuuki. Those trips are always a lot of fun.

With December just a few days a way I really am starting to get excited for my big vacation. I'm hoping to go do a lot this year, from parties, to sight seeing, to spending time with Yuuki, and some relaxation at home with Final Fantasy XIII. It will be a ton of fun. Also I have plans for a visit to Tokyo in a week. And sometime soon I'm going to go to Tokyo Disneyland and Matsumoto. It will be a blast!

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