Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back to writing after a much needed rest

Well its been two months since I last posted something on the blog. To be honest I needed time away as life has been pretty busy as of late. Whether its the continued frustration of work, to lots of fun at home, I just haven't had the time to write as much. Most of the last two months have been just very busy. I had to go to camp for a few days, long nights at work, and weekends where my schedule was packed. But at least I haven't gotten too sick yet.

For fun I've done many things. I went to a place called Kiyosato which has a nice scenic view to it. Lots of wonderful mountain views. I will try to post some pictures soon. I also went to Tokyo for some shopping a few times, and of course camp near Mt. Fuji. Sadly the days we went there was a torrential rainstorm which caused problems for everyone.

In August there was a one week vacation for the Japanese holiday of Obon. During that week I spent the majority of it with my girlfriend, having fun and relaxing. I also ended up playing more Dragon Quest IX. I finally beat the main quest last night, but I still have hours upon hours of post main game fun to play.

September has been a quiet month. Its good for me though as I want to relax more, and save some money for once. Thankfully I have lots of things to keep me busy. My backlog of games, dvds, manga, books, and so on can keep me busy for probably a year. Hopefully I can get through a lot of them the next few months.

I am already looking forward to next month. My birthday will be then and it looks like it will be a very special one this year. I can't wait!

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