Monday, September 14, 2009

Picture time

Today has been a bad day. I cut my face real bad this afternoon. I'm OK now but at the time I thought I would need stitches. Thankfully there was no need. But enough of my problems, time for some pictures! Here are a few from some of my recent trips:

First a picture of me near the unique Fuji TV building in Odaiba.

This picture is from the ferris wheel in Odaiba. If you look real closely to the left, you can see the Gundam statue.

Another picture of the Fuji TV building from he opposite side.

Here is a picture of the rainbow bridge connecting Odaiba to the rest of Tokyo. In the background is Tokyo Tower.

One of the main lakes surrounding Mt. Fuji. This is from my camping trip.

This picture is of Mt. Fuji covered in clouds. Two years in a row this has happened for the camping trip.

A nice small waterfall from the campgrounds.

A smiling sunflower from a place near my home.

Picture taken from Ryuo station. This is the small town of Kai City, where I live. Nice view of Mt. Fuji and many other mountains.

I will have more pictures to post later tonight.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back to writing after a much needed rest

Well its been two months since I last posted something on the blog. To be honest I needed time away as life has been pretty busy as of late. Whether its the continued frustration of work, to lots of fun at home, I just haven't had the time to write as much. Most of the last two months have been just very busy. I had to go to camp for a few days, long nights at work, and weekends where my schedule was packed. But at least I haven't gotten too sick yet.

For fun I've done many things. I went to a place called Kiyosato which has a nice scenic view to it. Lots of wonderful mountain views. I will try to post some pictures soon. I also went to Tokyo for some shopping a few times, and of course camp near Mt. Fuji. Sadly the days we went there was a torrential rainstorm which caused problems for everyone.

In August there was a one week vacation for the Japanese holiday of Obon. During that week I spent the majority of it with my girlfriend, having fun and relaxing. I also ended up playing more Dragon Quest IX. I finally beat the main quest last night, but I still have hours upon hours of post main game fun to play.

September has been a quiet month. Its good for me though as I want to relax more, and save some money for once. Thankfully I have lots of things to keep me busy. My backlog of games, dvds, manga, books, and so on can keep me busy for probably a year. Hopefully I can get through a lot of them the next few months.

I am already looking forward to next month. My birthday will be then and it looks like it will be a very special one this year. I can't wait!