Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How are my 2009 goals coming along?

Six months ago I made a list of goals I had for 2009. I decided this week to look back at them and see how I have progressed. Heres an update:

1. Visit Kyoto and Osaka - Not yet. Plans are being thought up for a trip this year still, but timing and other matters have caused me not to go yet. But I will hopefully soon.

2. Go skiing - Failed. I had planned on going skiing in the winter, but couldn't get anyone to come along with me. Plus other life matters got in the way. There's a chance I could go in December, but its looking more like a 2010 goal now.

3. Improve my Japanese and take the JLPT - Some success. My Japanese has improved a little I've been told, thanks to practice. But I missed out on the summer JLPT test. Maybe Ill take the fall test, but I haven't decided yet.

4. Concerts - Success. I saw Hamasaki Ayumi is a fantastic concert, and I plan on seeing a couple of more this year. But the one great concert makes this goal a success.

5. See my old friends from Sophia more - Failure so far. Again life in Kofu has made this sadly not happen. Its especially sad for me lately as I've started to think about my old friends there again a lot more.

6. Climb Mt. Fuji - Failed before it had a chance. With my knee problems and my asthma this summer, there is no way I'll be able to climb Mt. Fuji this year. A pity as I really want to try.

7. Make more friends, especially Japanese friends - Major success. Last year I made many new friends, but unfortunately I've lost touch with many of them. That made me sad, so I wanted to make sure that didn't happen again this year. And thankfully it hasn't. Especially since I have met my true new special friend, my girlfriend. I'm so happy about that, and I know Ill be even more successful with this goal in the next six months.

While there have been some failures, there have been lots of success too. While these are my main goals I do have other ones. For example, be a better teacher, get healthier, save money, catch up on things, and more. Hopefully I can succeed at everything.

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