Today was another holiday in Japan. This time it was "Shunbun no Hi" or the Vernal Equinox. From what I know many people visit the graves of their ancestors on this day. But for me, it was a chance to relax and go out and have fun. It looked like it was going to not be a good day as all week the weather forecast had been for rain, but luckily that rain moved off pretty quickly, and it ended up being a very nice and warm day. So being that it was a nice day, a holiday, and men's day at the theater, I decided to check out a couple of movies at the local cinema.
Since I love anime, and bad films, I decided to watch the two big live action anime movies at the moment, "Dragonball: Evolution" and "Yattaman." "Dragonball" was a weird film. First its a American production, and two it was released in Japan a month before it was in America. In fact it still isn't out back in the states. But I would say no one is missing anything by not having it. Its a disappointing film on all levels, which is what I had expected it to be. Its a quick 90 minute movie that barely covers any of the material, has no character development, no explanations for any of the plot, bad acting, bad story, just about everything in it is bad. I was particularly annoyed by the fact that major plot point were never explained. For example, the main villain Piccolo was imprisoned 2000 years before after a attempt to take over Earth. Yet in the film, he just appears out of no where, no explanation is given to how he escaped at all! In summary, the film was a disaster, a true mess, and one of the worst films I've seen at the theater. But just like past worst films I've seen at the theater, like "Masters of the Universe," I loved how bad it was. Still its not a good film and I would not recommend it to anyone.
"Yattaman" however I would recommend, for its not only a much closer adaptation to its source material, but also a fun little movie that had me really enjoying every moment and every scene. "Yattaman" was originally an old 1970s kids anime series from the studio Tatsunoko, about a group of villains, headed by the beautiful Doronjo, who are out to find pieces of a stone that once put together will show the location of the largest deposit of gold in the world. But they antics are always stopped by the heros, the Yattaman team, a boy and a girl dressed in strange mechanics outfits and with their giant mecha dog Yatta Wan and their robot sidekick Omochama, always saves the day. The show has recently returned with a brand new remake that has aired since last year, and now a new movie by Takashi Miike. This time the story has the stone granting the dreams of the person that brings it together. This film was very enjoyable! It doesn't hide behind that fact its based on a cartoon, it embraces it. You can tell the actors all are having fun in the film, and the story was both enjoyable and funny. Even when it gets a tiny bit serious, it never seems bad. The movie was a blast, and even though it was a kids movie, it had moments where they would add jokes that adults could enjoy. In fact many of the jokes were quite perverted, and very funny!
So in the end, my movie day was a lot of fun. I certainly want to see "Yattaman" again, and will be buying that on Blu-Ray once its released. "Dragonball" was a huge disaster, but as a bad movie, I enjoyed it for what it was. No matter what, getting out and enjoying some movies helped relieved some stress.
In one last bit of news, yesterday I said goodbye to some of my classes, but also to some students who were leaving the school. One surprised me by announcing before class she was moving and this was her last day. I was liked that student and was disappointed by her leaving. At the end of the day as we said our goodbyes, she opened her bag and pulled out a gift and said "Thank you for everything you have done for me this year!" I was so surprised, I literally cried after that. Its moments like that, when all the difficult parts of my job become easier to handle, because thats when you know you are doing something good and wonderful!