Today was my 31st birthday, and without a doubt it was the best I've experienced. I had been waiting for weeks for it and today my waiting was well rewarded. I spent the day with my girlfriend who helped make the day very special. Not only did she get me a wonderful strawberry and chocolate cake, but a brand new watch. I've been needing one for a very long time. I also got some new clothes for the winter, which is something I've really needed. The day then ended with a special dinner. I was taken to a very nice restaurant, izakaya style, on the top floor of one of the nice restaurants in Kofu. We were given a nice window view of the city at night from 13 floors up. We had a wonderful dinner, having shabu shabu beef, some sashimi, and noodles. I even was given flowers and a special picture for my birthday as part of the meal.
It really was a great day for me. The last couple of years in Yamanashi my birthday had been a disappointing day, especially two years ago with the fall of NOVA just days away from occurring. To finally have such a special day as today with such a special person, made me very very happy.
One last thing for today. In just one week, my old website, which has been online for 13 years now, will go offline thanks to Geocities being closed. My pictures and words of my time at Sophia university in Tokyo will then be taken offline. I hope to have them back online as soon as I can, but until then it would be good to have one last look at my old website.