Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finally got the concert ticket I always wanted!

The last week or so I've noticed a renewed sense of excitement. Things have been quite stressful the last two months with all the things happening at work, but lately things have slowly been getting better. I'm starting to think maybe my luck is finally changing for the better again. 

One really good thing thats happened lately is that finally, after many years of waiting, I'll finally be able to see one of my favorite JPOP singers in concert. I have for many years wanted to see Hamasaki Ayumi in concert. I had tried to get a ticket in 2002 while I was ay Sophia University, but the ticket prices were too high and it was very hard to get a ticket. Luckily this past week I was able to finally get a ticket to one of her concerts on her next tour. I'm pretty excited, and its interesting seeing the reactions of other people I tell. Some are very happy for me, and others laugh about it. I guess they find it silly that I am a fan, but I am and I am pretty happy about finally being able to go.

I am also interestingly starting to rebuild my interest in the game of "go." I used to love to play it on the computer, and I've always wanted to pick it up again. I bought a cheap board at a toy shop last year, but I have not been able to play with anyone. Recently I was watching the anime "Hikaru no Go" again, and its gotten me interested in playing again. Maybe I can teach some of the foreigners I work with the game sometime.

The one bad thing that continues to bug me however is my asthma. Lately the weather has been pretty cold and very windy, which makes it hard for me getting to and from work on my bike. Thankfully the large amount of weight I've lost in the past two years have helped me deal with my asthma. Its not easy, but its manageable. 

Not much more to say this week. Its the usual, lots of work. But there will be lots of fun soon too!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2 trips to Tokyo, Valentine's Day in Japan, and yet Alone Again Naturally

As the temperature has kept rising in Japan to unseasonably high levels, it seems that my life has become just as crazy. Work has been the usual roller coaster of highs and lows for me. Last week I gave a special activity class for my school. These new adult activity classes are meant to bring more fun and variety to the school. I was first up and it was suggested that there should be a Wii night. Since I'm the video game expert at my work place I was asked to set it up. I must admit that I found the experience quite daunting and difficult as the activity night ended up being more difficult and different than I expected. While everyone had a blast, I was nervous and things didn't go as well as they could. I had a lot of talks about that class afterwords which were disappointing to me, but I'm sure that for my next class, things will go more smoothly. 

This week there was an official and non official holiday in Japan. Wednesday was National Foundation Day or kenkoku kinenbi. A kind of Japanese Independence day Im told. I decided to go to Tokyo on that day, as I got a holiday, and do some window shopping. I ended up spending most of the day in Akihabara looking around and buying some role play books. Going to Akihabara still to this day cheers me up greatly. There is something about that place that makes me smile. 

And of course Saturday was Valentine's Day, which is very different in Japan. In Japan Valentine's day is a day where women give men chocolate to the people they like. Men then return the favor one month later during White Day. Sadly once again this year, while I did receive the usual nice friend chocolate from a few students and friends, I did not receive a real Valentine. It was a bit disappointing as I actually had a date this year on Valentine's weekend in Tokyo, that ended in disappointment. So my live continues to go as that one classic Maison Ikkoku song goes, Alone Again, Naturally. 

But I'm looking up to the future. I have a good feeling about the next few weeks. I've had a lot of downs since 2009 started, but I'm sure the year will get better for me shortly. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Its Tuesday again already?

Another week down, and a lot of work done. Unlike the last couple of weeks which were filled with tons of meetings and critiques on my work progress, this past week was much easier.  I actually felt I improved a lot in my work, and some of the comments I got back from parents this week were very encouraging. But I have to admit the stress has caught up with me. I've been dealing with lots of headaches this weekend and a ton of asthma related coughing. I need lots of rest but I'm not getting enough right now. Kind of disappointing. 

In other news, in the shock of the week, my Xbox360 was returned to me in just three days! Considering that the Xbox is not anywhere near as popular here as it is in America, I should not be surprised. However it was very nice that that happened. Being able to play that again has been fun and helped my stress a bit.

I've decided to take a trip to Tokyo on February 15th. I'm going there to meet up with a friend, as well as to have some fun and take a rest away from home again. Going back to my old Japan home always refreshes me and brings a smile to my face. 

And yesterday I watched the Super Bowl twice. Great game, although its still weird watching the game so early in the morning here in Japan. Thankfully the broadcast is good, but I miss watching the commercials during the game.