1. Visit Kyoto and Osaka - I have never been to these cities and I have always wanted to visit them, especially Kyoto as its been high on my list because of my interest in Japanese history. This is a major goal of mine.
2. Go skiing - I have never been skiing in my life, and really only saw real snow for the first time this year. Being that I am insanely close to Nagano and the Japanese South Alps, I have many great chances of doing this soon.
3. Improve my Japanese and take the JLPT - I really want to start studying for the Japanese proficiency test again very soon. I was supposed to take it last year, but gave it up to help that place I used to work for that I want to forget. I need to practice my speaking skills more too.
4. Concerts - Everyone that knows me knows I love Jpop, and this year I want to see as many concerts as possible. I went to one in 2002, but lately I have not been to any. There could be problems fulfilling this goal due to schedules and all, but I hope to see some acts this year. I really want to see Hamasaki Ayumi, Koda Kumi, Every Little Thing, Matsuda Seiko, Nakajima Miyuki, and Angela Aki among others sometime.
5. See my old friends from Sophia more - Since returning to Japan, I haven't had a chance to see my old friends much due to the problems of work and all. But I want to change that next year.
6. Climb Mt. Fuji - This is a big if, but I think I may try it this year, if my asthma will let me. Its worth a try.
7. Make more friends, especially Japanese friends - I've been really lonely as of late, mainly since I lost some friends this year. Next year I really want to fix this. And everyone knows how I'm always looking for a special girlfriend as well.
Those are just some of my goals, I have many more, but these are the most important. Perhaps by posting them here it will remind me to do my best to achieve them. Ganbaremasu!