Thursday, November 27, 2008

Very little free time, lots of catching up, but on my feet again

Well its been a few months since my mammoth post about my former employers, and I felt it was time to write again. Its been a very strange few months for me. Not much has happened, but I have done a lot of catching up. Catching up on bills, books, movies, places to visit, etc. I've spent most of my time however concentrated on my job. Its difficult and I make mistakes, but I try so hard to improve and make both myself and the students better. There have been some great events that I have participated in at my school, including a nice Halloween party for the kids, and a pub quiz bar night for the adult students. One thing I find is that, from my time there so far, teaching kids is both rewarding and incredibly difficult. I hope I'm getting better. 

In the last many months I have spent some time in Tokyo visiting a friend there. One of those times in August I went to "Wonder Festival," which is a event celebrating plastic models and figures. It was really awesome seeing all the new anime figures available. However the day got off to a bad start as it took forever to get in thanks to a accident that occurred at the entrance involving a malfunctioning escalator. It was such a big story it even made the BBC news website. 

In October I celebrated my 30th birthday. I spent it at one of the famous spots near Kofu, a place called Shosenkyo. In this place in the mountains surrounding the city, there is very famous gorge and waterfall. I had never seen a real waterfall before, so it was a real treat for me. I spent the day there with a friend who had never been to Kofu before. I had a great time viewing the beautiful views while also have one of the delicacies of the area, houto. 

Most of the time I've spent catching up, but I hope to soon start doing a lot of the things I had planned on doing as far back as last year. I'm finally pretty much back on my feet, and its time to start having some more fun. I really want to go out and do something special this year for New Years break. I also want to plan some trips for next year. I think its time for me to finally visit Kyoto. But first I will be going to comic market in Tokyo this Christmas. And if all goes to plan, it will be in costume. I hope.

I hope to post some pictures soon here! Keep looking out for them!