Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Finally news from me in Kofu

Well after weeks of waiting I'm finally back! Well sort of. Getting online in Japan can be a pain, but finally I can post a update on me here. Its been three weeks now since I have moved to Kofu, and I must say its been a blast and a real surprise. When I was looking up info on Kofu online, it originally sounded like it was a farm city. But in truth its a nice sized little town surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen. Everywhere I turn I can see mountains, and if I walk just a minute from my apartment, I get a great up close view of Mt. Fuji!.

The trip began with a little bit of a hitch though. Once I got on my plane, it turned out that there was a problem with the intercom system on the flight. Of course this ended up delaying my flight two hours, and meant we had to sit on the tarmac for that long. so my fourteen hour flight turned into a sixteen hour one. Eventually after the pain of sitting on a plane for so long, I made it to Narita airport. I was met by a worker for my company who had my tickets ready and even had a huge pack of information for me to get started. I was quite surprised how much they gave me at the airport. It really helped me at the begining. After spending about 3 hours on trains to Shinjuku and then to Kofu, I was met by my boss who drove me to my apartment. Luckily its only a few minutes walk from the station. There I met my new roommate, who is a real cool guy, and relaxed finally.

The next few days I spent getting lots of paperwork done, playing some Nintendo Wii finally, and getting to know the new neighborhood. Kofu really feels like a small version of Austin, where I went to school. It has many things that make me feel at home, and things that remind me of Tokyo. My apartment is the best though! Its actually a pretty big one, which is very rare for Japan. I got a nice room to myself, and everything is cool. The only thing missing is the internet, which I need to setup real soon.

After a few days I started work at my company, where I had a alot of training to do. Luckily the training was fun and interesting. And of course, they like to throw you into the lions den so to speak, and get you to teach immediatly! Ive been teaching for over two weeks now, and while I make many mistake, I've been told I'm doing a great job! Which makes me happy. Also the students seem to like me alot. Everyone thinks I've very excited and happy here.

I have had some problems though. A bank I tried to sign up for refused my application due to my name having a IV at the end of it. Luckily my previous account from my days at Sophia was still open, so I was able to get money from there. Today I finally got paid my first pay check, which was exciting and very rewarding to me!

Now that I got all my paperwork pretty much out of the way, I have time to finally do some fun things, on my days off at least. I'm planning to visit Tokyo in a few days, which will be hard for me. While I did go through it on the way to Kofu, it was mainly in a train car. This time I'll be walking through the old home, so it will be a little sad. At least I get to see all my old friends again!

But whats really great is Kofu is a nice place. I've met many great people here already, and it feels like home. It gets really cold here, but thats normal. But I am enjoying it alot.

Ill post again in a few days, hopefully with some pics! Until then, ja ne!